Out Elite Antler Extract features 3,000mg of pure deer antler velvet. This highly potent antler velvet supplement is 1,000mg more than our next highest level of pure velvet (Premium).

The best Deer Antler Velvet you can buy
At 3,000mg of pure deer antler velvet, the Elite Antler is well equipped to unlock the full health benefits of taking Deer Antler Velvet. The health benefits are numerous, including potentially helping with muscle recovery times. If you're going to invest in deer antler velvet supplements, you want to make sure you're purchasing the best product available. Our Elite level deer antler velvet is expensive, but it's also the top rated product available on the market.
The high potency of our strongest, Elite, product is the best at releasing the growth factors that support the health benefits above. We're of the belief that it belongs listed among the most potent supplements for energy as well, since the 3000mg level also has the highest potency of IGF-1 while still remaining natural.
To clarify, there are many antler velvet brands out there claiming to provide an exact measurement of IGF-1 or provide pure IGF-1 only. This is only possible using synthetic IGF-1, which we highly recommend you avoid. Taking synthetic IGF-1 is not natural and can cause the body to rely on the synthetic boost of hormone growth factors. This has been argued to create numerous health problems, including a decrease, or imbalance of hormones in the body once someone stops taking the synthetic IGF-1.
That's why it's always best to stick to natural and organically made products. Don't take synthetics to reach a certain level of consumption, but instead take enough pure form of the supplement (making sure to speak with a licensed physician first and getting her/his recommendation) to reach these levels naturally.
What's the best way to reach high IGF-1 levels naturally? It would probably be to take the most potent deer antler velvet supplement that is available. Our Elite Antler Extact, with 3,000mg of pure deer antler velvet and an 80:1 extract ratio, is the most potent deer antler velvet you can buy.
Ronnie T.
If you look through the reviews of this supplement, it does seem like it’s the best. That said, I don’t think I specifically can afford this one. I ended up buying the Premium.
If you look through the reviews of this supplement, it does seem like it’s the best. That said, I don’t think I specifically can afford this one. I ended up buying the Premium.
If this is supposed to be pure antler velvet, then it should be completely raw. After it goes through the harvesting process it should be flash washed and bottled immediately in raw form. If you’re doing anything differently, then I wouldn’t say that it’s pure. It looks like that’s what you guys do, but just wanted to clarify.
If this is supposed to be pure antler velvet, then it should be completely raw. After it goes through the harvesting process it should be flash washed and bottled immediately in raw form. If you’re doing anything differently, then I wouldn’t say that it’s pure. It looks like that’s what you guys do, but just wanted to clarify.
Actually very interesting that I came across this article. I was about to purchase Nutronics Labs deer antler velvet spray and after reading this article pointing out that low prices aren’t always the best deal, I decided to take a deeper look. Nutronics Labs antler velvet products have a much lower potency than most competitors out there. As mentioned here, it looks like the Elite Antler and a few of the other examples have a better price per mg of actual deer antler velvet. Needless to say, I didn’t end up ordering the Nutronics Labs antler velvet, but haven’t decided between the Premium or Elite Antler yet.
Actually very interesting that I came across this article. I was about to purchase Nutronics Labs deer antler velvet spray and after reading this article pointing out that low prices aren’t always the best deal, I decided to take a deeper look. Nutronics Labs antler velvet products have a much lower potency than most competitors out there. As mentioned here, it looks like the Elite Antler and a few of the other examples have a better price per mg of actual deer antler velvet. Needless to say, I didn’t end up ordering the Nutronics Labs antler velvet, but haven’t decided between the Premium or Elite Antler yet.