Deer Antler Velvet Blog

Complete History of Deer Antler Velvet & Chinese Medicine
Learn the complete history of deer antler velvet as it relates to ancient Chinese medicine. Deer Velvet has been around for longer than most supplements that you will see on the market today. See w...

Deer Velvet Health Benefits
Top Deer Antler Velvet Health Benefits for Men
What are the most sought after health benefits for men who take deer antler velvet? We questioned those who buy our pure deer antler velvet product on why they decided to start taking the supplemen...

Why It's Best to always Buy Supplements in Pure Form
Vitamins and minerals have been on the market for years. However, many consumers do not take the pure version of their supplements. Here are some of the many reasons to buy supplements in the most...

Sell Deer Antler Velvet
Deer Velvet Spray Sales Increase for 4th of July Holiday
See how the holiday leads to an increased in sales for deer antler velvet supplements as people begin to prioritize the way they look in a bathing suit. Read into why we think people are buying mor...

Increase Testosterone
Natural Ways to Increase Your Testosterone Levels
Testosterone is a hormone that adapts to major changes within your body. Your levels decrease due to advancing age or the heavy use of medication. Although some factors cannot be changed, there ar...

Elk Antler Velvet vs Deer Antler Velvet
Understanding the differences and similarities between "deer" and "elk" can be helpful for those in search of purchasing for pure antler products. Some stores sell elk antler velvet products while ...

Sales Surge for Deer Antler Velvet Pre-Memorial Day Weekend
Are surging deer antler velvet sales a sign of a heightened focus on personal health? We noticed that as we approach the Summer, we're seeing a big increase in deer antler spray sales. We view this...

Sell Deer Antler Velvet
Sell Deer Antler Velvet
Now you can start selling deer antler velvet. Start your own supplement business by ordering deer velvet sprays at wholesale prices and selling them to your clients. Or, become an affiliate adverti...

IGF-1 and Joint Health
Learn about Deer Antler Velvet and joint support. Numerous studies and authoritative online resources point to the connection between IGF-1 levels in the human body and joint health.